Computer Parts – How to Build a Computer

Is it possible to build a computer from scratch? Can anyone do it? The answer for the questions depends on your passion and knowledge you have for computer system. This is because without knowing how the individual parts work and fit into a system will be a tedious task.

I say any one can build their own system, but one must have an interest to learn about the components. If you do this, building a computer can be an interesting experience. Above all, answering the basic concepts behind computer building will ease the assembling process.

Here are some tips you should consider to build a computer.

First, for what purpose are you building a computer? This is the first question you should answer. It will help you to focus on the right parts that will not cost you much. Each computer components have several variants designed for different applications and software.

For example, building a gaming computer much differs in speed and cost than building for applications such as word processing, spread sheet, browsing, email and the like.

Second, learn the basic parts of a computer. One of the challenges in computer building is to choose the best and the right computer part from the wide varieties of components available on the market. To overcome this challenge, try to learn about each component as much as you can. Computer parts are numbered, which will not take much time to grasp the basics of each component.

The main parts of a computer includes: motherboard, processor, RAM, hard disk, power supply, CD/DVD drive, monitor, keyboard, graphics card (usually built-in with the motherboard) case and mouse. You should have at least fundamental knowledge of how this parts works and connect each other.

Third, check parts compatibility. Compatibility of parts towards each other also matters a lot in building the best system. Not all parts are compatible each other, you need to research when you do the assembling. Usually, buying parts from known brands will make easier to tackle the compatibility issues, as specs and support are available from them.